The impact of confusion on syntax errors in simple sequence flow models in BPMN

Jan Claes, Gilles Vandecaveye
CAiSE 2019 International Workshops - COGNISE workshop, LNBIP 349, p. 5-16, 2019 (proceedings acceptance rate: 40%) pdf
The final publication is available via


Abstract. With the growing investments in getting to know and controlling their business processes, organizations produce many business process models. These models have become crucial instruments in the process lifecycle and therefore it is important that they are correct and clear representations of reality. They should contain as few errors and confusions as possible. Because we assume a causal relation between confusion and errors, we investigated it empirically. For our observation group, the data shows a correlation and temporal ordering between both. More in detail, avoiding implicit and redundant events and gateways is related with making less errors.

Additional material.

  • The presentation: