The origin and evolution of syntax errors in simple sequence flow models in BPMN
Joshua De Bock, Jan ClaesCAiSE 2018 International Workshops - COGNISE workshop, LNBIP 316, p. 155-166, 2018 (proceedings acceptance rate: 50%)

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Abstract. How do syntax errors emerge? What is the earliest moment that potential syntax errors can be detected? Which evolution do syntax errors go through during modeling? A provisional answer to these questions is formulated in this paper based on an investigation of a dataset containing the operational details of 126 modeling sessions. First, a list is composed of the different potential syntax errors. Second, a classification framework is built to categorize the errors according to their certainty and severity during modeling (i.e., in partial or complete models). Third, the origin and evolution of all syntax errors in the dataset are identified. This data is then used to collect a number of observations, which form a basis for future research.
Additional material.
- The presentation:

- The pictures: