For who?
The BPMRD is a national workshop where process mining researchers from Belgium meet to discuss research.
It is an ideal occasion:
- for master students to get feedback on a PhD project proposal
- for starting PhD students to test run their first conference presentation
- for more experienced PhD students to demonstrate their tool
- for postdocs to discuss potential research lines
- for professors to initiate collaboration and discuss the field
- etc.
Anything is possible! Just reserve a slot and prepare as you like to get the most out of it.
The BPMRD is an informal event. There is no reviewing process and their are no proceedings.
Where and when?
This event will take place- at the 31th of May 2017
- at Ghent University, Hoveniersberg 24, room Van Acker, 3th floor
What to expect?
We should have plenty of time to get to know each other and each others research. Every participant is welcome to prepare a presentation, demo, question session. We try to schedule for lots of time for feedback and discussion after each presentation. The setting is rather informal. There are no proceedings. A detailed program will be sent to the participants a couple of days before the event.
The (tentative) program is as follows:11:00-11:10 | - - - OPENING - - - |
11:10-13:00 |
13:00-14:00 | - - - SANDWICH LUNCH - - - |
14:00-16:00 |
16:00-16:30 | - - - BREAK - - - |
16:30-17:20 |
17:20-17:30 | - - - CLOSING - - - |
17:30-18:00 | - - - BREAK - - - |
18:00-20:00 | - - - DINNER in CITY CENTER - - - |
How to register?
A number of researchers will get a personal invitation by e-mail. A simple reply would be enough to register. Other researchers should send me an e-mail with their name, affiliation and a rough idea about her/his (planned) research in the process mining field.
Registration fee
The full event (including breaks, lunch and dinner) is free for academic Belgian process mining researchers, thanks to Research Foundation Flanders (FWO):
Scientific Research Community on Process Mining (25117LC-W0.018017N).
4th Belgian Process Mining Research Day | 31th May 2017, Ghent University, Belgium
Participants: Mathijs Creemers (UHasselt), Galina Deeva (KU Leuven), Pieter De Koninck (KU Leuven), Benoit Depaire (UHasselt), Jochen De Weerdt (KU Leuven), Frederik Gailly (UGent), Glenn Herpoelaert (UGent), Mehrnush Hosseinpour (UHasselt), Mieke Jans (UHasselt), Bambang Jokonowo (UGent), Toon Jouck (UHasselt), Niels Martin (UHasselt), Steven Mertens (UGent), Geert Poels (UGent), Rongija Song (KU Leuven), Barbara Weber (TU Denmark) and Jan Claes (UGent) |